
분류 앱다운/가입

Android App testenig : install , Review

작성자 정보

  • 작성자 투잡용용이
  • 작성일


2020-12-16  15:15  작업진행상황 ​   


태스크 진행 방법

1. Download the App using the referral link below

2. Test the app and click around and try it at least for 2 minutes in order to write an honest review /feedback

3) If you like the app, leave us a 4 or 5 star positive rating and review based on your experiment

4) Screenshot of your posted review & screenshot of the app from device used (you can use image hosting services for Screenshot)


- You must open the app and click around before leaving a review/rating

- You must open the app and provide a Screenshot of the app from device used

5. Please keep the app installed for at least 3 days in your device

알바 링크


작업 링크

